
Pizza Form

Kingsview Village Junior School

Fall Pizza Order Form

September 28th – December 21st  2018

 Welcome back Kingsview, we are pleased to offer pizza on Fridays this year. We have 10 pizza lunches this fall term. Slices of cheese pizza are available at a cost of $2.00 a slice. Participation in this program is optional. Your participation is always appreciated and funds raised benefit your child’s school.


___________________________                ___________                ___________________________

Student Name (Please print)                              Grade                                      Teacher’s Name



Please CIRCLE your option:


1Slice per Pizza Day @ $2.00 ea.

(for 10 Days)


2 Slice per Pizza Day @ $2.00 ea.

(for 10 Days)





DUE DATE to return money and this form is:

Friday September 21st 2018

*All pizza slices must be pre-ordered, please pay exact change

**No refunds

***We apologize that we CANNOT accept LATE submissions due to the large volume of orders that need to be processed.

Thanks for your support!!!