Safe Arrival

Safe Arrival


It is extremely important that all children learn the value and importance of being punctual and attending classes regularly. As these are lifelong skills, we would ask that you assist and support us in reinforcing their importance with the students.

The teachers take attendance immediately following entry and the attendance is sent to the office. Whenever a child is marked absent, and the school is unaware of the reason, the office staff will attempt to contact a parent/guardian at home or at work to determine the child’s whereabouts and ensure that no harm has come to him or her on the way to school.

If we are unable to contact a parent/guardian or the emergency contact provided on the student’s emergency card, under the Board’s Safe Arrival Policy, the principal is required to contact the police and initiate a search.

To avoid unnecessary and/or embarrassing situations, please assist us by informing the school office whenever your child is absent. If the office is closed, a recorded message may be left on the school answering machine. In your message, please include your child’s name, teacher, the date and the reason for the absence. The school phone number is 416-395-2662.

The safety of all of our students is of prime importance. Please ensure that all contact numbers for you and anyone else involved with the child are up to date. Please inform the school immediately if any of the contacts or phone numbers change.

Please ensure that students start the day on time. If your child is late, please have them report to the office. Office detentions will be issued to students who are habitually late. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.

For planned extended absences please send a note to the Principal with dates of absence.

Note: A student may be asked to provide a note signed by a parent/guardian or doctor when returning from an extended absence, as required by provincial regulations.