Sir Oliver Mowat Collegiate Institute

Welcome to Sir Oliver Mowat Collegiate Institute 

(GR. 09-12)

Sir Oliver Mowat Collegiate, founded in 1969, was built on a solid foundation of academic achievement, community involvement, alumni support and excellence. Students are provided with a wide range of learning experiences, both academic and co-curricular, so that they are prepared for any post-secondary option they may choose.

Excellence in teaching is the cornerstone of Mowat. Teachers are caring professionals who are committed to creating an atmosphere in which students can develop a positive self-image, become independent learners, acquire skills for future employment, enjoy the pursuit of academic excellence, participate in extra-curricular activities, and demonstrate respect for themselves and others.

This Month TDSB Recognizes Islamic Heritage Month

TDSB has proudly recognized Islamic Heritage Month (IHM) during the month of October since 2016.  This year, the theme is Sabr and Shukr.  

Islamic Heritage Month has been recognized across Canada in different ways since October 2007.  In November 2016, the Province of Ontario established October as Islamic History Month through the Islamic Heritage Month Act, and further stated that “proclaiming a month to be Islamic Heritage Month in Ontario will provide all Ontarians, both today and in future generations, with an opportunity to reflect, celebrate, and learn about the rich and longstanding Islamic history in the Province and the diverse roles and contributions of Muslim people in communities across Ontario.  This new understanding will in turn help combat anti-Islamic sentiment." (Link:

Sabr and shukr are oft-mentioned concepts in the Qu'ran that offer guidance as to how Muslims should face challenges. Sabr is patience, perseverance, and persistence, which are essential to accomplishing goals, overcoming obstacles, and dealing with setbacks. Shukr is gratitude that allows one to recognize one's blessings and can take the form of words, feelings, or behaviours. Every day, we find ways to face challenges, both small and large, with a combination of sabr and shukr. This Islamic Heritage Month we will explore how sabr and shukr are woven into the lived experiences, histories, and cultures of Muslim communities.

Weekly News Bulletin 


Weekly Community Newsletter 

Week of October 21st - October 25th

Annual MUV Food Drive!

Food Drive Poster


MST Leaders (Math, Science, Technology)

MST Flyer

MST Powerpoint


Grade 8 Open House

Grade 8 Open House Poster

Grade 8 Open House Presentation


MOWAT Performing Arts LINKS

MOWAT Performing Arts Website Link

PAHP Presentation



Sir Oliver Mowat Student Agenda

Click on the Book below for the 2023-2024 Student Agenda. The Student Agenda is also available on the TDSB Connects App.

Open Book

School cash online

Spirit Wear