School Immunization Program


School Vaccination Program

For students who are looking to receive their School Immunization Program vaccines, specifically these ones:

    - Meningococcal vaccine (prevents meningitis)

    - Human Papillomavirus vaccine (prevents cancers)

    - Hepatitis B vaccine (prevents liver disease and cancer)


Students/families can go to this City of Toronto website: School Immunization Program.

This website lists several opportunities to get vaccinated:

  • Walk in or book an appointment at City-run vaccination clinics for anyone who is eligible (see below for more details).
  • Students can connect with their health care providers, who can order vaccines from Toronto Public Health to vaccinate eligible patients in-office. Report vaccinations received from health care providers via Immunization Connect Ontario (ICON) tool. You will need the Ontario Health Card of the person whose vaccination record you’re updating in order to access the record on ICON.

Under the City-Run Vaccination Clinics subheading, it states that all students and other eligible individuals who missed getting their school vaccines may attend appointments at most City-run vaccination clinics.