Nelson Mandela Park Public School

NMPPS Weekly Message

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NMPPS Weeky Message

Sunday February 9, 2025

First Term Reports and Kindergarten Communication of Learning

On Wednesday, February 12th, you'll receive either your child's Kindergarten Communication of Learning report or a Report Card for Grades 1-8. These reports share your child's progress in subjects like math, language, and science, including their current achievement level and next steps for improvement.

Parent/Guardian-Teacher Interviews will take place on Thursday, February 13th (evening) and Friday, February 14th (morning). 

Friday, February 14th is a P.A. Day, there is no school for students that day. Teachers will arrange meetings if needed, but you can also schedule one if you wish. Please contact the teacher directly to book a time.

Blues in the School

On Wednesday 'Blues in the Schools' visited Nelson Mandela. We were treated to three lively performances! The band kicked off Black History Month with a celebration of history through '10 Songs That Changed the World'. It was so much fun!

Toronto Urban Studies Centre - Grade 8’s

Last week, our Grade 8's took the TTC to Toronto's Urban Studies Centre (TUSC). Together we coded and designed a 'robot' and learned how to create new Apps. -Ms. Merkley


STEM & Sport - Grade 7’s

The Grade 7's have completed their STEM & Sport program at MLSE Launchpad. The incredible instructors incorporated sport skills with coding, engineering and math; the Grade 7's were amazing participants and had an awesome time. If you haven't checked out the LaunchPad, you should! It has tons of free programming! -Ms. Merkley

Nelson Mandela Park P.S.

As part of the Toronto District School Board, we value

  • each and every student;

  • a strong public education system;

  • a partnership of students, schools, family and community;

  • the uniqueness and diversity of our students and our community;

  • the commitment and skills of our staff;

  • equity, innovation, accountability and accessibility; and

  • learning environments that are safe, nurturing, positive and respectful.

As a school we continue to focus on:

Academic Achievement

  • Numeracy – Addressing educator learning needs in understanding the student numeracy learning continuum

  • Literacy – Comprehensive literacy with a focus on using Culturally Relevant and Responsive Pedagogy.


  • Promoting an anti-oppressive stance within an explicit focus on confronting anti-black racism


  • Building staff strategies to support student coping skills to build feelings of optimism and safety

