The Facility
Parkdale C.I.’s Library Learning Commons (LLC) is a recently-renewed gem of a facility. You will find here a collection of approximately 10,000 books, 30 computer workstations, I-pads, Chromebooks, magazine subscriptions and several areas for quiet study, including two seminar spaces. The LLC supports Bring A Device (B.A.D.) with Wi-Fi always accessible. Students are encouraged to drop in and get to know the space, the resources, and the teacher-librarians.

The Program
The mission of the school library program is to teach all students to read for breadth and understanding, research with purpose and process, build knowledge with insight and responsibility, and transform their knowledge into wisdom for a lifetime of learning. We encourage readers of all levels to enhance their skills and to continue to deepen their appreciation of the written word.
The Staff
Mr. Maguire, ACL of ICT, Library and Arts, along with other ACLs and all teachers, collaboratively plans all Library instruction. Library lessons span a range of topics, from online search strategies, to using databases for advanced research, to correctly citing all sources of information. There are also many student volunteers who assist with library duties in the LLC at lunch and after school.
The school library website, or Virtual Library, is the portal for our vast array of online resources. It includes the complete library catalogue of materials available in print, on video, and in the rapidly-expanding format of e-books. It is also a 24/7 reference for learning the research process through our student research guide, entitled Research Success@Your Library. In addition, the website offers a range of other materials (databases, encyclopedias, links, etc.) to help you read, learn, research, share and explore the ever-expanding universe of information. See Mr.Maguire for the Learnmark, which provides a list of online passwords that allows you to maximize your experience of the website, both in school and at home.