

inhalerStudent Medication

Principals, teachers and support staff of the TDSB are not permitted to administer any prescription medications during the school day, unless they have written, signed authorization by you the parent and the prescribing doctor. The forms to dispense any medication must be updated on a regular basis and are available in the main office. 

Students who need an inhaler (puffers) should have one at school at all times. All medications will be stored in the main office. Please notify the school immediately, if your child suffers from any allergy that may require an EPIpen. Students who require an EPIpen should have one at school at all times. 

Early Pick-up

As you may already be aware, most of Pelmo Park students are bussed to and from school.  During dismissal, we have a system in place to ensure that all of our bussed students get on the bus safely.  We understand that there will be occasions when parents need to pick-up their children early for appointments, please visit the main office and sign your child(ren) out, on any day that you are picking them up before 3:30 pm.  This allows us to ensure that every child is accounted for and safe.  


Student Absences

phonePlease contact the school office before 9:00 am, if your child(ren) is going to absent from school, 416-395-2754.  The Safe Arrival program will automatically call home, if the school has no information regarding a student's absence.