Transportation (Bus Information)


children boarding school bus

Bus Cancellation

Severe weather may require TDSB to cancel school buses, please listen to your local news station for TDSB cancellations. This decision is made by the Board, and not the school.

Bus Delays

For information on bus delays, please login to the following website:

If a bus is delayed, parents can contact the bus company for estimated time of arrival.    2023/2024

Route Number - MORNING Pick-up
Bus #
Company/Phone Number
PAR0185   8:38-8:40  1 Attridge Transportation 416-255-5199
CST0724   8:52-8:54  2 Stock West 416-244-5341
PAR0174   9:02-9:07 3 Attridge Transportation 416-255-5199
CAR0121   8:42  4 Attridge Transportation 416-255-5199

Route Number - AFTERNOON Drop-off


PAR0185   3:55-3:56 1 Attridge Transportation 416-255-5199
PSW0815   3:45-3:46 2 Switzer Carty 905-361-1084
PAR0174   3:45-3:50 3 Attridge Transportation 416-255-5199
CAR0119   3:34 4 Attridge transportation 416-255-5199