Ryerson Community School runs daily Nutrition Programs that includes snack and lunch. Each day children are given a healthy snack such as fruits, vegetables, yogurt, granola bars etc. The food offered follows TDSB policy and Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating. We have amazing Nutrition Program staff who keep these programs running each and every day.
Healthy food is essential for students' physical, emotional, social and intellectual development. Well nourished students are better able to concentrate, more effectively retain and apply the things they learn and are more likely to show positive social behaviours. Children use up energy quickly and require frequent nutritious nourishment.
While our Snack Program is offered to all students, our Lunch Program requires registration through the school office. These programs are supported by the Toronto Foundation for Student Success and also rely on contributions from family members to keep them going. All food available at school takes into account the allergies, food sensitivities and food needs of our families (e.g., vegetarian options available, all meat served is Halal).