Ryerson CS is on a Day 1-5 schedule. Student schedules will be different on each of these days. Specific schedules are based on the student's homeroom teacher.
Below outlines the basic school day schedule:
School Yard Supervision begins
8:15 am
AM Entry Bell
8:30 am
AM Recess
10:00 – 10:10 am
11:10 am - 12:05 pm
PM Entry Bell
12:05 pm
PM Recess
1:35 - 1:45 pm
Exit Bell
2:45 pm
School Yard Supervision Ends
3:00 pm
Supervision after school is in the yard until 3:00pm. If a child has not been picked up by 3:00pm the teacher on duty will bring the child to the office. Please try to be on time to pick up your child. We understand situations beyond control can occur. Please contact the office ASAP when this happens.