I am thrilled to be the Principal of The Waterfront School! We have amazing students at our school and we have the most beautiful location for a school; right on the shores of Lake Ontario with incredible lake views from many of our classrooms. We are a small school of 200 students and we have a rich and diverse community who are great partners in our students' learning. We have created a learning environment with high expectations for all students both academically and socially, and together we celebrate student achievement and success!
From Ms. Dolora Harvey, Principal
For 2024-2025:
First day of School is Tuesday September 3, 2024
Our School Hours remain the same. The school day for all students in Kindergarten to grade 8 are 8:40a.m. to 3:15p.m. Please help to ensure that your child arrives at school every day on time, so they start the day with their peers and don’t miss out on any learning opportunities.
School Day
8:40 – Entry for all students; classes begin
10:05 – 10:20 Recess
11:30 – 12:25 Lunch
12:25 – Entry; afternoon classes begin
1:50 – 2:05 Recess
3:15 – Dismissal
We are creating our Community of Gratitude at The Waterfront School
We have been given the duty to live in balance and harmony with each other and all living things. Each day we need to show gratitude for the opportunity to learn at our school and show gratitude to the students, staff, and our Waterfront School Community. We have learned about reciprocity and responding to a positive action with another positive action.

We are thrilled to have a mural painted by Indigenous artist Shawn Howe in our schoolyard which brings us joy every day!
The Fabric of Our Being Quilt
The Waterfront School students were excited with the opportunity from Ports Toronto to work with artist Nadine Williams to learn about people of African descent in Canada and to create a beautiful quilt from their learning. Students created the artwork for the "The Fabric of Our Being", a textile art installation celebrating and bringing awareness to the International Decade for People of African Descent (2014 to 2024), a United Nations (UN) initiative. This was a great learning opportunity for our students who enjoyed being part of this project and were thrilled to see their work unveiled at Billy Bishop Airport where it is displayed. A second quilt is displayed at The Waterfront School.
The Fabric of Our Being Quilt commemorates Black History Month and the International Decade for People of African Descent.
We honour National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
At The Waterfront School we have joined together as a school and with our community to listen, to learn and to centre the lived experiences of Indigenous Nations and people. Every Child Matters! At The Waterfront School, each day we need to show that we remember this.

We have learned about the Moccasin identifier project and have learned more about treaties and Indigenous people and teachings.
The Waterfront School is an ECO Platinum Level School!
85% Energy Efficient
The Waterfront School is part of the City of Toronto's initiative to address the Climate Crisis by reducing greenhouse emissions and saving energy. The project at our school includes using energy from Lake Ontario and transforming it to heat our school in the winter and cool it in the summer. Our students had the opportunity to learn first hand about this exciting project and watched the energy transforming machinery being lowered into the lake.
Thank you Waterfront Families so much for continuing to support our annual food drives. This year we collected a large amount of donations which were donated to the Fort York Food Bank. Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity!
With your generosity we were able to send a donations to The Daily Bread Food Bank for $670! We are so happy to work together to make a difference. Thank you!

Master Chef 14 TPS Champions!
Students from our school were very fortunate to participate in the Master Chef 14 TPS program. Junior/Intermediate students partnered with Officers at the Loblaw’s cooking school throughout the year to cook delicious meals. In each session the meal they prepared was judged by a panel of judges. For the finalé, our students were invited to cook in the George Brown Cooking School kitchen with professional chefs. Thank you to Officer Gribbon, for helping to give Waterfront students this opportunity to become great chefs! Our students were thrilled to win the final competition this year and are proudly displaying the trophy at our school which reminds us of many happy cooking memories.

Remember to get your ECO Friendly
"Proud Waterfront School Student" Water Bottle!