I am thrilled to be the Principal of The Waterfront School! We have amazing students at our school and we have the most beautiful location for a school; right on the shores of Lake Ontario with incredible lake views from many of our classrooms. We are a small school of 240 students and we have a rich and diverse community who are great partners in our students' learning. We have created a learning environment with high expectations for all students both academically and socially, and together we celebrate student achievement and success!
Dolora Harvey Principal
Our goals at The Waterfront School include:
*Creating classroom instruction that engages our students using rich tasks that are relevant to our students.
*Increasing student voice.
*Increasing our knowledge and understanding of anti-racism and indigenous history and how it affects our students and our community.
*Taking actions to increase equity.
*Removing barriers, bias and/or prejudice to increase the success of our students.

We have a beautiful large school yard for our students to use to keep physically active and to enjoy with their friends.