Reader's Corner

Reader's Corner


 Making Connections

Students in our class have learned that making connections to the books they read, helps them to become better readers.

So far this year, we have read and made connections to many books including fiction and non-fiction texts. Students in our class have also been given an opportunity to make connections with the books they read in their reading groups, and during independent reading. As the year continues, we continue to use our "schemas" to make connections, and become stronger readers!

To find out more information on making connections, please click here for more information.

Growing Readers in Grade 1

Reading Strategies

Students in our class spend part of each day engaging in "Reader's Workshop". In Reader's Workshop, students learn new reading strategies to help them improve upon their reading skills. Students also have a chance to apply their new skills by reading and responding to texts orally, in small groups and individually.



Reading, Reading Everywhere!

It definitely takes a lot of practice and effort to become a strong reader. In addition to reading in class and at home, students in our class are also able to practice reading on interactive websites.

To access a reading website from home, please click here for more details.
