Parent Information

Parent Information

LPCI Attendance Policy

Regular attendance in all classes is essential for success. Your commitment to this policy not only demonstrates commitment and responsibility, it contributes to a positive school environment that engenders respect for all. This attendance policy that follows is designed with this is mind.

  1. Avoid scheduling appointments during school time.
  2. For all full day absences:
    • Have your parent/guardian phone on the day of the absence
    • If an evaluation is missed, a note will be required upon your return. This note must be shown to the subject teacher and then given to the main office.
    • You are expected to make up all missed work.
  3. If you have to sign out unexpectedly during the day:
    • Report to the main office
    • Your parents will be contacted.
    • If they give permission, you will be allowed to sign out.
  4. A planned absence of more than 4 days requires the completion and submission of the 'Extended Absence Form' at least 10 days prior to the absence. Extended Absence Forms are available in the Main Office and must be signed by all of your teachers and your VP.
  5. If you have to sign out during the day:
    • Bring a note from home and show this note to your subject teacher in order to leave class.
    • Report to the Main Office to sign out, leave the notice with the Main Office.
    • If you return the same day, sign-in at the Main Office.


Password Resetting

Never share your password with other students. You are responsible for the online activity related to your account. Student secret passwords have the following structure: nnnnddmm@Tdsb where, nnnn=Last 4 digit of student number, dd=day of birth and mm=month of birth. If you change your password, it must contain at least 8 characters/digits and have 3 of the following: 1) lower case, 2) uppercase, 3) number and/or 4) symbol. Students who forget their passwords will have to request a password reset from their teacher or teacher-librarian. Resets are done at the end of the day.


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