About Us

Lawrence Park Collegiate Institute (GR. 09-12)

"Amor Doctrinae Floreat"
(Let the love of learning flourish.)
 For over eighty years, Lawrence Park Collegiate Institute has been an important part of the North Toronto community. From the school's inception, Lawrence Park's teachers, students and families/caregivers have worked together to support academic excellence.  The school remains committed to providing a rich and varied program with many opportunities for students to become involved in extra-curricular clubs and activities that help develop strong leadership skills.
This school is involved in a Boundary Review at this time. View the latest information shared with the community about this process or visit our review page for further information.
Phone:(416) 393-9500
Fax:(416) 393-9524
Address:125 Chatsworth Dr, Toronto, ON, M4R 1S1
Principal:Michael Griesz
Vice-Principal(s):Lorraine Sutherns
Emily Saylor
Office Staff:Anita Fonseca
School Council Chair(s):Marni Shulman
Superintendent: Cassandra Alviani-Alvarez
Family of School:FOS06
Trustee:Shelley Laskin
Ward:Ward 8