Learning Science through Experiential Projects
Below you will find all Science courses offered at Lawrence Park Collegiate. Please contact the subject teachers for detailed information.
SNC 1D1 - Science (Gr. 9)
SNC 1P1 - Science (Gr. 9 Applied)
SNC 2D1 - Science (Gr. 10)
SNC 2P1 - Science (Gr. 10 Applied)
SVC3M1- Environmental Science
SBI 3U1 - Biology (Gr. 11)
SBI 4U1 - Biology (Gr. 12)
SCH 3U1 - Chemistry (Gr. 11)
SCH 4U1 - Chemistry (Gr. 12)
SPH 3U1 - Physics (Gr. 11)
SPH 4U1 - Physics (Gr. 12)
IDC4U1 - Introduction to Forensic Science
science department name email/courses phone # ext. amalia fedor(acl science)
amalia.fedor@tdsb.on.ca sph3u, sph4u 416-393-9500 ext 20060 rhonda mccoubrey rhonda.mccoubrey@tdsb.on.ca snc2d, sph3u 416-393-9500 ext 20060 sari harris sarah.harris@tdsb.on.ca sch3u, sch4u 416-393-9500 ext 20060 teuta sulaj teuta.sulaj@tdsb.on.ca sch3u, snc1w 416-393-9500 ext 20060 lisa kathleen conroy lisakathleen.conroy@tdsb.on.ca snc1w, snc2d 416-393-9500 ext 20095 daniella vettese daniella.vettese@tdsb.on.ca sbi3u, sbi4u 416-393-9500 ext 20095 tim macneil
tim.macneil@tdsb.on.ca snc2d, idc4u 416-393-9500 ext 20060 lili ohana lili.ohana@tdsb.on.ca sbi4u 416-393-9500 ext 20095 gaurav sharma - gaurav.sharma@tdsb.on.ca snc1w 416-393-9500 ext 20095
megan wong megan.wong@tdsb.on.ca snc1w 416-393-9500 ext 20095 |