PreBaccalaureate Program

PreBaccalaureate Programme


The purpose of the PreBaccalaureate Program is to prepare students for the IB Diploma Program and ease the transition between grade 10 and grade 11. It is an accelerated program of study that covers more material more quickly than our Academic pathway. The purpose is to emphasize the pace of study and focus on writing and thinking skills necessary for success in the IB Diploma Programme. PreBac teachers work with IB teachers to create grade 9 and grade 10 courses that have additional learning and IB-related tasks. No IB assessments are done in Grades 9-10, but students are introduced to them by way of mini-assignments, labs, experiments, essays, etc.

PreBaccalaureate Programme - Grade 9 (8 Credits)

English ENL1W7
French FSF1D7
Canadian Geography  CGC1W7
Science SNC1W7
Math MTH1W7
Introduction to Business/
Green Industries/Mechatronics -Interdisciplinary Course
 Art, Drama or Music NAC1O1 or ALC1O1
Healthy Active Living (co-ed or female) PPL1O1 or PPL1OF


 PreBaccalaureate Programme - Grade 10 (8 Credits) 

English   ENG2D7
French or Spanish FSF2D7 or LWSBD7
Canadian History CHC2D7
Science SNC2D7
Math MPM2D7 and MCR3U7
*Civics and Careers CHV2O1 and GLC2O1
Other Available Electives  HPE, Tech, Art, Green Industries, Business, Comp Sci. 

*Students who complete their Civics/Careers in the summer must choose another Grade 10 elective course.

In Grade 10, particular emphasis is placed on Math, which is taken throughout the entire year. Students who choose to take Civics/Careers in the summer, will be required to take an additional Grade 10 elective course.  By the end of Gr 10, students will have 16 credits to their record.