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Graduation 2024

AYJ Graduation 2024                                                                                                                A big thank you goes out to all AYJ Staff involved in the planning and execution of this year’s AYJ Graduation at Crystal Fountain Banquet Hall.

AYJ Graduation 2024 Photos Folder

Welcome Nick Rowe, incoming AYJ Principal for Sept 2024                                      

It was made official Wednesday night at the TDSB monthly Board Meeting where a slate of Administrative Transfers and Promotions were confirmed, the appointment of Nick Rowe (currently the Principal at the TDSB’s Virtual Secondary School) as the incoming Principal at AYJ for Sept 2024 .


Welcome Letter re: New Principal - Nick Rowe


New to Canada? Register for Newcomer Orientation Week(Aug 27-29)!

This Newcomer Orientation Week(NOW) program is an activity filled orientation for students who are new to Canada.


This year the newcomer orientation is happening on Aug 27-29th 2024. Here is the registration information:


New to Canada? Register for Newcomer Orientation Week(Aug 27-29)



2023-2024 Information

 PA days: June 27th and 28th

June 27 & 28, 2024

Secondary Teachers

School-based Support Staff

Professional Development



Employees have the option to utilize PA Days for professional learning, fulfill their job responsibilities as per their job classification, or, with prior approval, use their scheduled vacation time lieu time or choose to take this time off as unpaid leave.

Grade 9 Orientation Day!

A.Y. Jackson S.S. will be running HS 2 HS "Head Start to High School Orientation Day" for new Grade 9 students enrolled at AY Jackson Secondary School in the 2024-2025 school year!!

Head Start to High School takes place on Wednesday August 28th from 8:45 am - 2:30 pm. This is a full day orientation program designed to prepare students for the start of High School. 
Registration is required before July 15th.


HS2HS Registration Link


40-HS2HS 2024 Poster


What:   Orientation Day for new Grade 9's to AYJ
When:  Wednesday August 28th
Time:   8:30am - 2:30pm.

Registration Required - Please complete the google form by Monday July 15th.


If you have any questions, please connect with Teacher/Program Leader:


Hope to see you there!

AYJ Math EQAO results are here!!!

AY Jackson SS Holiday Hampers Gift and Food Drive


Each year, it has become a tradition that the students and staff at AY Jackson SS partner with Toronto Police Service - 33 Division to support families in their community with a Holiday Hampers gift and food drive. Classes were given a family to support with donations of holiday gifts, grocery gift cards, non-perishable foods and other items identified by the family that are needed this holiday season. This year’s pickup date was Monday, December 19, and everyone was once again overwhelmed by the generosity of the AYJ community. For many, this initiative of giving is the highlight of the school year, and students and staff are motivated each year to continue to help their community. Well done AY Jackson SS and 33 Division on another great year of giving!

Students standing next to each other


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