

Biotech SHSM 

Science Olympics  

Courses Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
General Science SNC1P
Biology     SBI3U
 Biology - Advanced Placement       SBI4U0
Chemistry     SCH3U SCH4C
Physics     SPH3U
Introduction to Biotechnology       BIOIDC

Excellence Awards Criteria

All courses pertaining to the Excellence Certificate must be completed at A.Y. Jackson.

Subject Criteria
Biology 1)     Maintain a minimum average of 90% in Grade 11 Biology AND Grade 12 Biology.

2)  Fulfill any three (3) of the following requirements:
  • Participate in the National Biology Competition
  • Score in the top 80th percentile in the National Biology Competition
  • Participate in the Canadian Biology Olympiad Competition
  • Score in the top 70th percentile in the Canadian Biology Olympiad 
  • Produce a Science Fair Experiment / Innovation nominated to run in the Toronto Science Fair
  • Participate in an outreach research-based project / program
  • Be an active member of the Biology Club by attending regular meetings and / or coordinating weekly club activities
  • Take on an executive / leadership role in Biotech SHSM (used only once for an application for Biology, Chemistry or Physics certificate)
  • Take on an executive / leadership role in STEM Club (used only once for an application for Biology, Chemistry or Physics certificate)
  • Take on an executive / leadership role in Botany Club
  • Take on an executive / leadership role in HOSA or received a placement for further competition
Chemistry 1)     Maintain a minimum average of 90% in Grade 11 Chemistry AND Grade 12 Chemistry.

2)  Fulfill any three (3) of the following requirements:
  • Participate in Avogadro's Contest
  • Score in the top 80th percentile in Avogadro's Contest
  • Participate in Chemistry 13 Contest
  • Score in the top 80th percentile in Chemistry 13 Contest
  • Participate in the Canadian Chemistry Contest / Olympiad
  • Take on an executive / leadership role in Chemistry Club
  • Take on an executive / leadership role in Biotech SHSM (used only once for an application for Biology, Chemistry or Physics certificate)
  • Take on an executive / leadership role in STEM Club (used only once for an application for Biology, Chemistry or Physics certificate)
Physics 1)     Maintain a minimum average of 90% in Grade 11 Physics AND Grade 12 Physics.

2)  Fulfill any three (3) of the following requirements:
  • Complete SPH3U0 with a minimum of 90%
  • Complete SPH4U0/1 with a minimum of 90%
  • Participate in three (3) of the following Physics competitions and earn a minimum mark of 80% in at least one (1) of the competitions.
    • Ontario Association of Physics Teachers (OAPT)
    • Sir Isaac Newton (SIN)
    • American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT)
    • Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP)
  • Take on an executive / leadership role in Physics Club
  • Take on an executive / leadership role in STEM Club (used only once for an application for Biology, Chemistry or Physics certificate)
  • Take on an executive / leadership role in Biotech SHSM (used only once for an application for Biology, Chemistry or Physics certificate)