Distance Learning Guidance Updates




Guidance Update - May 19, 2020

( Click for important information about private school marks and summer school)



Dual Credit Updates

Students interested in Enrolling in Dual Credit courses can find the available courses listed here:




The Summer Courses are Listed under Semester 2. If you are interested in a Dual Credit please fill out the attached form and send a scan or picture of it to your guidance counsellor. You may only request to register for one Dual Credit course in each session (Sem 1, Sem 2/Spring, Summer).


Please Note: Dual Credit Assessment and Evaluation are NOT governed by the Ministry of Education but by the specific College the student is attending. As such, any policies regarding the recent Remote Learning for TDSB do NOT apply to Dual Credits. Assessment and evaluation policies will be set by the College exclusively.


If you have any questions about the Dual Credit programme please contact Mr. Stevens at matthew.stevens@tdsb.on.ca



Summer E-Learning Registration: 


Registration for summer E-learning continues.


Go to:




Please follow the instructions posted on the registration site.  


*You must email the signed permission form to your guidance counsellor.


Grade 12 Guidance Google Classroom:


We have created a "Graduating Grade 12" classroom where we will post information regarding OUAC/OCAS and other graduation announcements. If you are a grade 12 student and would like to join the class please use the code: shpockd to add yourself to the class.







mental health is health contact information
Text Description



Guidance Letter to Families- April 6, 2020


What's Up Walk In


North York Harvest Food Bank


Hong Fook Mental Health Association