Dear Families, in all of your many wonderful forms, Moms, Dads, Grandmas and Grandpas, Caregivers, Aunties and Uncles, Big Brothers and Sisters, too!
If we know one thing for sure, it is that when we are able to partner in your child's education, the benefits are significant. This, of course, looks very different for all of us. Family and work responsibilities vary greatly between households. At Beverley Heights Middle School, many of our staff are parents, our kids range from infants to adults, and somehow, the responsibility never ends!
We want you to know that we understand the work-life balance. The last thing we want to do is to impose on the precious little time that we all have to spend with our kids. With that being said, we want you to know that your voice matters to us and it helps us to shape the time that we spend with your kids.
So please, partner with us in any way that you can...
- stay in touch with your child's teacher
- read your child's agenda
- pop in and say "hi" if you are dropping them off or picking them up
- volunteer to work in the school at large
- join Parent School Council - if you don't feel you want the commitment of taking on a formal role, just come to the meetings and be heard
- stay connected around homework and announcements
However big or small, your voice and your partnership matter greatly to us.
If you are able to consider joining the Parent School Council, it is a great forum for involving parents, family and community in matters that impact the education and well-being of our students.
Our current Parent School Council consists of the following members:
- Principal - Ms. McMahon
- Vice Principal - Ms. Baker
- Community Support Worker - Parminder Dhillon
- Council Chair - Ms. Opuso Jama
- Teacher Representative - Ms. Carley
- Parents/guardians/caretakers of the community
Our goal is to actively engage parents by discussing and exploring new ideas and by organizing various initiatives, in order to improve student achievement, equity, and well-being at our school. Our Parent School Council serves as an advisory body to the Principal on matters related to the school, such as: learning goals, policies, procedures, student needs, resources for our school community, and more. We work with our school community to plan initiatives to support our students and family members and engage the community at large.
If you have any questions or require more information about our Parent School Council and how you can support us, please contact our Community Support Worker, Parminder Dhillon at parminder.dhillon@tdsb.on.ca or Elever Baker at elever.baker@tdsb.on.ca.
More general information can be found here at Local School Councils and Becoming a Volunteer at Beverley Heights MS.
Homework: Partnering with your child and their teacher around homework is a critical role we ask you to connect with us on. Again, we understand the many varied things that can sometimes get in the way and we always want to accommodate what makes sense for your child's success.
Taking an active interest in your child's homework also has many benefits. Check out our Homework Tips for ideas on how you can help support your child. If you have questions about homework, take a look at the TDSB's Homework Policy or speak with your child's teacher.
We look forward to a continued partnership with you all.
Free Webinars for Parents/Caregivers