Daily Announcements

Wednesday, October 2, 2024 - Day 1 Featured Article

Wednesday, October 02, 2024 09:39 AM

Hello Bowmore!

Days of Significance: International Day of Non-Violence is observed on 2 October, the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi. It was established on 15 June 2007 according to the United Nations General Assembly resolution.
Mehregan is a Zoroastrian and Iranian festival celebrated to honor the yazata Mithra, which is responsible for friendship, affection and love.
To honour the walk to school day, we encourage everyone to walk, scooter, bike or take public transit to school and work.

Mme. Brewster, Mr. Ross, Mr. Sooley - D&D Club: Attention all adventurers!
The Dungeons & Dragons Club is today at lunch!
Grades 4 through 6: Join us in Madame Brewster's Room 309.
Grades 7, 8 and Mr. Ross: Meet us in Mr. Sooley's Room 312.
Don’t forget to bring your lunch, your dice, and any D&D books you might have. Whether you’re a seasoned hero or a newbie ready to embark on your first quest, everyone is welcome!

Ms. Jarvis -  Needle Felters: Attention all grade ⅞ students who would like to join a needle felting club in the library. It begins this Friday. No experience necessary. 

Mr Sekdorian - 7 and 8 Cross Country: Any grade 7 and 8 Cross Country runners that want to practice at lunch today, meet in room 102 at the beginning of lunch.
Also, all runners attending the meet next Monday need to return their forms to Mr Sekdorian or Ms Moran

Terry Fox Committee: It is time for the TERRY FOX TOONIE challenge. Start bringing in your toonies for Terry. The class with the most toonies will win a freezie party. 

Have a wonderful day of learning!