Messages from our Trustee

Ward Forum - Multiyear strategic plan renewal - Sept 26th

We will be hosting a joint ward forum consultation on renewal of the TDSB’s Multi-Year Strategic Plan on September 26th from 7-9pm. All families, staff, and community are invited to participate. Please share the flyer below with your school communities.

As TDSB approaches the end of its current strategic plan, we are launching the Multi-year Strategic Plan Renewal.

The strategic plan is the long-term vision for the TDSB, establishing clear priorities that will guide Trustees and system and school leaders over the next four years. The goal is to develop a four-year roadmap driven by student-centred needs and goals that are equity-informed and evidence-based.

Members of the TDSB school community will have opportunities to engage and reflect on the existing strategic plan and identify their priorities to create a more focused strategy. Trustees are hosting joint Ward forums to engage the community in feedback or the community is welcome to share feedback online:

Best regards,

