Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

Keeping a Safe, Positive and Caring School 

Cedarvale School’s Code of Conduct is based on the provision of a safe, caring, respectful, and positive school culture. It is consistent with the standards established in the Toronto District School Board’s Safe Schools policy, the Toronto District School Board’s Code of Conduct, and the Provincial Code of Conduct.

Accepting responsibility and consequences for one's actions is part of learning about self-discipline and self-control. The nature of the consequence is determined by the frequency and severity of his/her actions. Each incident will be investigated with due consideration of the context in which it takes place; the impact of the behaviour on the safety of others; and the effects on the tone of the school. At all times, PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINE approach ill be followed, as outlined in the TDSB code of conduct procedures for expected safe school behaviours. The follow-up PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINE actions listed below may include one or more of the following:

  • counseling, discussion, and/or warning given
  • withdrawal of privileges
  • informing parent/guardian (e.g., phone call, meeting, letter)
  • involvement of School Professional Support Services Team (e.g., social worker), support staff, and/or outside agencies to recommend and implement intervention strategies
  • restitution for damages to property
  • formal suspension or expulsion, as per Ministry and Toronto District School Board’s policy guidelines.