Lunchroom Program

Lunchroom Rules


A supervised lunch program will ONLY be available for children in situations where an adult is NOT at home during the lunch hour. Parents/guardians will be required to complete a letter requesting this service. Students have two options during the lunch period.

OPTION 1 - Go home for lunch at 11:40 a.m. & return by 12:37 p.m.

OPTION 2 - Stay for lunch and follow the guidelines below:


Students staying for lunch on a regular basis must have a signed consent form on file in the office.

Students staying for lunch periodically must bring a signed note on that day.

Students will either be eating lunch in their classrooms or will be escorted to a lunchroom location by a teacher or lunchroom supervisor. Lunch time takes place from 11:40-12:00 and is followed by outdoor recess from 12:00-12:40. Students should bring all their outdoor clothing with them as they are not permitted to return to the classrooms during the lunch hour.

During lunch time, students are expected to be seated and eat their lunch.

The Cedarvale Code of Conduct is enforced during the lunchtime and therefore all students are expected to behave appropriately at all times. Please pack a NUT-free lunch for your child. As part of our ECO-Schools initiative we have a ‘boomerang’ lunch which means students take back home all that they bring in their lunch bags, in order for our school to meet our waste reduction goals.

All students who are registered in the lunch program must remain on the school premises at all times during the lunch period. Any student registered for the supervised lunch program MUST BE SIGNED OUT AT THE OFFICE by their parent/guardian at lunch time on any day when they are not remaining in our care for the lunch hour.

The lunchroom is supervised beginning at 11:40 a.m. Students are then dismissed to the playground (weather permitting). Supervision continues until the bell for classes.

All students participating in Pizza Lunch are considered registered for the supervised lunch program on those days. All behaviour expectations and sign out procedures apply to all Pizza Lunch participants.