


How to start the registration process?


NEW!  ONLINE registration for DMCI and all TDSB high schools.

For help with the online registration, please call 416-395-3192 ext 20040, and our guidance secretary can support you with the registration process.


  1. If you are currently a student in a Canadian school, you need to start the registration process via the TDSB website.  Please CLICK HERE to access the registration site. 
  2. If you are a newcomer to Canada wishing to enter Don Mills CI, you will also need to start your registration online.  To access the site CLICK HERE.  Newcomers will also need to visit the Georges Vanier Newcomer Reception Centre. Students usually spend a full day in the reception centre, involved in activities designed to assess individual students' educational backgrounds, levels of proficiency in English and Mathematics, learning styles, strengths and needs. Don Mills C.I. will help arrange an appointment for you at the newcomer reception centre and provide guidance on how to proceed with registariton.


What do you need to register?

Students from schools in Ontario:

1. Proof of residency in the Don Mills C.I. area: (2 pieces)

(a) Rental/Lease agreement (b) Purchase agreement (c) Utility bill (eg. hydro, gas, water) (d) cable TV, internet, or home phone bill, (c) Insurance policy (eg. home, tenant, auto or life) (d) mortgage statement (e) property tax bill or notice of assessment  

2. Personal identification:

- Birth certificate, Passport, Canadian citizenship. Permanent Resident Card (PR card)

3. A current Transcript, Credit Counselling Summary, or Student Status sheet (translated into English)

4. If identified as "exceptional," your most recent IEP (Individual Education Plan)

5. Immunization records

6. Students from schools outside Ontario:  In addition to 1-5, you will need your newcomer assessment result to be scheduled in the appropriate English and Math level.  DMCI will provide you with direction on how this will be completed. 


Out of Area Admissions -  Formally known as Optional Attendance

Students who do not live in the Don Mills CI area but are interested in attending can apply to DMCI through the "out of Area Admissions process. To discover if you are in the DMCI home school area, please use FIND MY SCHOOL. You can also discover if DMCI is "open" for out of area admissions.  Depending on school capacity, out-of-area admissions can fluctuate from close, limited, or open.  Out of Area admission application dates will be available in November.  The deadline to submit your application is typically towards the end of January but check the "out-of-area" website for details.

For more information about Out of Area Admissions and to apply - please visit: TDSB Out of Area Admissions website 


The Gifted Program at DMCI is a placement program.  Only students who are granted a "placement offer" at DMCI via a TDSB, IPRC committee are timetabled into the gifted program at DMCI.

The CyberArts program at DMCI is a "special Interest Program"  Any student may apply for any special interest program.

The online application for special interest programs open from November 4 to  November 22, 2024.  If the number of applicants exceeds the number of spaces available in a program, all eligible applicants will be included in the random selection process.  This is done centrally at the TDSB and not locally at DMCI. 

Students can apply to up to two Centralized Programs or Schools. If applying to two choices, the applications must be ranked. If accepted to the first-choice program, they will not be considered for their second choice.

Students may also opt to be considered in other programs/schools of the same focus that have availability if they are not selected for their desired school.

For more information about the Special Interest Programs, please use THIS LINK.