With all the activities that are up and running (see link to our extra-curricular clubs, councils, and activities: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qJsYYwbax8I3JN6Dl9jc8dwFq6HESnlq-LmHcyu0_yA/edit?usp=sharing) --- and our efforts to have a more typical school year, we are now collecting Student Activity Fees for this school year.
This year’s fee is $45. This fee helps support our clubs, councils, and sports teams to run activities and events for our students. The school yearbook will also be included in the fee as well as your Student Photo ID.
Parents can pay the fee via School Cash Online or by using this link - https://tdsb.schoolcashonline.com/Fee/Details/110514/153/False/True
Please unclick "myself" and add Student's Name if you are using above link.