Day-to-Day Policies & Procedures



Our mission is to enable all students to reach high levels of achievement and to acquire the knowledge, skills and values they need to become responsible members of society. 

We value: 

• Each and every student, 
• A strong public education system, 
• A partnership of students, schools, family and community, 
• The commitment and skills of our staff, 
• Equity, innovation, accountability and accessibility, 
• Learning environments that are safe, nurturing, positive and respectful. 

All school rules are derived from two basic premises: 
• The staff has a right to expect students to attend school regularly and punctually, and to be fully equipped and prepared for the day’s work. 
• Students have a right to expect that textbooks, equipment and course outlines as well as learning expectations will be provided; that classes will be well prepared and suitably challenging; and that evaluation will be done fairly, promptly and in accordance with course descriptions, TDSB policies and Ministry guidelines. 


J.B. Tyrrell operates on the belief that all students are entitled to the greatest opportunity to gain an education and that no person is entitled to hinder the education of any other students. We expect all members of our school to be treated with respect and dignity. 

It is our belief that students must assume responsibility for their actions and to accept both the accolades and the penalties as a consequence of them. Expectations are shared with the students in September and reviewed several times during the year. 

J.B. Tyrrell has long enjoyed a reputation for safety and security. In the Toronto District School Board, we have a Safe School Policy to ensure the safety of all community members. Inappropriate behavior and acts contrary to J.B. Tyrrell’s Code of Conduct are dealt with seriously through our Progressive Discipline program. We will not tolerate harassment, which includes bullying and sexual or racial comments. 

We, the J.B. Tyrrell community, believe our code of conduct is essential in providing a safe and caring learning environment for all. 


• following school rules/routines and instruction from all staff 
• showing respect for school property and property of others 
• speaking and acting respectfully to all staff, students and visitors 
• keeping my hands, feet and objects to myself 
• treating everyone equally and in an inclusive manner 
• refraining from using racist, sexist and homophobic language 
• respecting differences among people 
• following J.B. Tyrrell’s online Code of Conduct when using electronic devices 
• keeping the school clean and respecting our school property 
• making everyone fell welcome in our school 

Be Responsible. Be Yourself. Appreciate Others. 


Students are expected to follow the TDSB Dress Code. Clothing with inappropriate language, slogans or suggestive illustrations is to be left at home. Students who choose to dress inappropriately will be asked to change, or a phone call home will be made to make arrangements for a change of attire. 

Gym: Students are expected to attend gym classes dressed appropriately for rigorous physical activity. Running shoes, shorts, gym shirts, track pants and athletic attire are acceptable forms of clothing. 


Students should not arrive at school until 8:40 a.m. unless they have a pre-arranged meeting with a specific staff member. Supervision of students, prior to 8:40 a.m., is not available and students are not to enter the building earlier than this time. 

At the completion of the school day students will be dismissed for home. J.B. Tyrrell is a vibrant school with many supervised after school extra curricular and co-curricular activities. Student participation is expected and encouraged. If students are participating in after school activities, they are expected to inform parents of their involvement prior to the date and time of these events. After-school activities are announced daily and weekly. 


Parents are requested to notify the school each morning that their child will be absent at 416 396-6360. Please leave a message indicating the student’s name, class and expected duration of the absence. J. B. Tyrrell participates in the Safe Arrival Program. If we do not hear from you, then our office administrator will attempt to contact you at home or place of business to ensure that your child is indeed safe. We do appreciate your assistance in phoning us first. Students who must leave for pre-arranged appointments require a note from a parent/guardian, with an explanation for the early dismissal. 

Students are expected to sign out at the office when leaving. In order for us to contact you in the event of an emergency, please ensure that we have your correct address, home and work phone numbers and update us on any changes immediately. Promptness is one of our priorities. If students are late, they are expected to sign in at the office. Student lateness is tracked, parents are notified and consequences are given. It is the student’s responsibility to be on time for each and every class. 


- Entry bell is at 8:40 a.m. 
- Dismissal bell is at 3:00 p.m. 
- Students are expected be in their first class, ready to begin learning at 8:50 a.m. 
- Our timetable is based on a 5 day cycle with 8 periods each day. 

- Lunch time is from 11:26 am to 12:24 pm. 
- Grade 7s eat during the first half of lunch in the school cafeteria, whilst grade 8s have outdoor time 
- Students should bring a lunch from home.
- Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds during the lunch period unless a note is provided by a parent/guardian. 
- Students must sign out at the office and sign in when returning or they will be marked absent. 

- Each student is assigned an individual or shared locker for the school year. 
- Students will be given a school-issued Dudley combination lock. 
- Students are to use this locker to store personal and school related items for safekeeping. 
- As lockers are the property of the school and on loan to each student, it is each student’s responsibility to care and maintain their locker in a safe and respectful manner. For security reasons, students are advised not to reveal their personal locker combination to another person. 

- The school assumes no responsibility for the loss or damage of personal property. 
- It is each student’s own responsibility to care for and maintain their own property. 
- Personal property of value or sentimental significance should be left at home. 
- Other personal effects should be stored securely in each student’s locker. 
- Cell phones and other valuable electronic devices must be stored in the locker. The use of electronic devices is only permitted during the school day with permission of the supervising teacher. If a student is found to be using an electronic device with out teacher permission it will be confiscated by the supervising adult and handed in to the office for safe keeping.  Parents will be notified and arrangements will be made with parents for its return. 

The school telephones are for daily school business. However, in case of emergency, the office staff will contact parents/guardians upon student request. Students are reminded to take responsibility to inform parents of their activities on a weekly basis to avoid last minute calls. 

In implementing the TDSB’s Homework Foundation Policy, the staff at Tyrrell promotes the belief that homework is an engaging and relevant learning activity. To establish the Board’s commitment to the assignment of homework in a purposefully planned manner, that is directly connected to a student’s school program and learning expectations of the Ontario Curriculum, the teaching staff of Tyrrell strive to ensure that class assignments, projects and homework assignments for completion, practice, preparation or extension for students in grade 7 & 8 shall be clearly articulated and carefully planned, in partnership or among core and rotary teachers. Estimated completion time should be one hour or less. Homework assignments are written into the agenda each day by the students. The agendas are checked by the teacher to make certain the students are using them appropriately. Teachers may also use the agenda to communicate with parents. Parents are encouraged to peruse their child’s agenda on a nightly basis. 

Where appropriate, students will be issued a numbered textbook for their personal use during the year. The student’s name, class and book number will be entered on a master list at this time. In June, if the issued text is lost or is returned in damaged condition, the student is responsible for the cost of replacement. 

The library is centrally located. Books can be signed out for 2 weeks and may be renewed. Students are responsible for any books that they sign out, are liable for fines if the books are not returned or are returned in damaged condition. We urge all students to make optimal use of the library throughout the school year. Our school library website is located at 

A visitor is anyone who is not a registered student. All visitors must report to the Main Office. Parents must also report to the office if they wish to speak to their children during the regular day. 


A number of leadership opportunities are provided for students to develop skills of responsibility and community awareness. Listen to announcements in order to take advantage of the leadership opportunities. 

Student leadership at Tyrrell is championed by the Student Parliament. Each class elects a class representative to represent their class. The mandate of Student Parliament is to coordinate and promote positive community partnerships with all stake holders of the J. B. Tyrrell community. 

We encourage all parents to consider becoming actively involved with our School Advisory Council by attending meetings or becoming a candidate for an elected council position. Acting as an advisory body, the goals of the School Advisory council are to: 
• Provide a safe and positive environment for active learning 
• Identify current problems/concerns and develop appropriate action plans for resolution 
• Provide a vehicle for transmitting parent ideas, recommendations and concerns to school board committees or to the board itself 
• Promote more involvement from parents and community in the development of our children 
• Understand the needs of our diverse community and encourage their participation 
• Provide a forum for input into educational success 
• Sponsor additional programs that would otherwise not be provided 

The members work to promote the best interest of the school community, communicate expectations and concerns, and maintain a school-wide focus on all issues while fostering a sense of community. Council members encourage teamwork and participation of parents and students from all groups within both the school and greater community. Our council is made up of parents and guardians of our students, a maximum of two appointed community members, one teacher, up to two students and the principal. Meetings are held once a month. 


At J.B. Tyrrell, students have opportunities for experiential learning to further enrich school programming. Students will participate in a variety of school trips and excursions. It is the expectation that all students will behave in an appropriate manner while in public, that conforms to our school code of conduct, and students are reminded that they are ‘Ambassadors’ of J.B. Tyrrell Sr. P.S. while in the community. 

J.B. Tyrrell is a safe and peaceful place where we strive to work hard in everything that we do, we try our best each and every day and help others in their work. We will strive to make our school a happy work environment and will create an atmosphere that is welcoming and accepting of others. 
• We will be friends with each other, be polite and play safely. 
• We will respect our teachers and co-operate with each other. 
• We will think about other peoples' feelings and try not to hurt them or their belongings. 
• We will make our school a happy and safe place to work and play, and we will show respect for our environment.