School Closures Due to Severe Weather
The decision to close a school based upon the weather rests with the Director of Education. If schools will be closed, a decision is usually made by 7:00 a.m. and the local media will broadcast this information. Parents are urged to listen to local radio and television stations to be informed of any possible closures.
Indoor Recess
Students are expected to come to school dressed and prepared for the weather. During the winter, hats, boots, mittens and warm coats provide the best comfort for children. During days when the weather may be extreme, the temperature will be monitored. If the temperature is -20C to -28C recess and lunch recess may be shortened. Temperatures below -28C students will remain indoors.
During warmer days in the late spring, early summer and late summer students should remember to bring a water bottle and are encouraged to drink water on a frequent basis while outside.