School Apartment

School Apartment


What is the School Apartment? 

The School Apartment is a fully furnished classroom, including a functional kitchen, dining space, living space and bedroom. 


What does a typical class look like?

In class, students have the opportunitity to complete routines and tasks that develop mastery of basic living skills, such as making a bed or setting the table. Students have the opportunitiy to develop and build these life skills through periods of open-ended play.


What can parents/care givers expect their child to learn from this program?

Although each child is different, parents and care givers may see an improvement in their child's self-care and self-regulation, as students routinely practice skills (e.g. cooking, cleaning, motor-skill development, memory-training, social interaction training, etc.) that will improve their quality of life. 


What supports are available to students?

Students are supported by a team of staff, including the classroom teacher, educational assistants and other support staff, as needed. All types of physical and emotional support are provided on an ongoing basis.