What is Indigenous Education?
Expressions of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Cultures focuses on learning about the true history of Canada - before European settlers arrived. We investigate the first peoples of Canada - who they are, their beliefs and traditions, and explore how they have shaped what Canada is today through visual art, drama, music and dance. Students can expect to learn about First Nations, Inuit and Metis, and create a variety of artwork including paintings, drawings, sculptures, and ink printing using traditional techniques.
What does a typical class look like?
Students will be provided with a daily lesson that explores Indigenous cultures, beliefs and traditions through various art forms. Using a variety video and interactive media, we will research and practice the skills necessary to create art in the image of Indigenous cultures across Canada. Each day will have a small literacy focused assignment after the lesson, and an accompanying artistic component.
What can parents/care givers expect their child to learn from this program?
Parents and care givers can expect their child to learn about what it means to be Canadian in the eyes of an Indigenous community member. Students will gain confidence in their artistic abilities and explore new skills that they may not have tried previously. Students can expect to learn about society, and to want to inquire more about how Indigenous communities fit into today's Canada.
What supports are available to students?
While most students are supported by an educational assistant, the course features many online components which give students the opportunity to use assistive technology for literacy. Furthermore, art lessons are completed in a step by step process with hands on demonstrations for each task. All artistic tools are provided and are safe for students to use.
What Production Based Tasks or Experiential Learning Opportunities do students have?
As a culminating task, students work together to create a Cree inspired blanket mural that hangs in the school walls. This mural is to reflect their learning and understanding of the Indigenous culture, and is used to inspire others to ask questions about the course. Students will become advocates and knowledge keepers of the true Canadian history that can be passed on to fellow students and community members.