Student Nutrition/Breakfast Program

Student Nutrition/Breakfast Program

  • Nutrition Co-ordinator –
  • Breakfast Co-ordinator -

Nutrition Liaison Officer – Durward Anthony

Benefits of Student Nutrition Programs


For Children

  • Nourishing food enhances student’s health and readiness for learning
  • Eating a variety of healthy foods widens a child’s experiences and future choices
  • Nutrition education allows students to make healthy lifestyle choices
  • Programs increase opportunities for social interaction and cooperation
  • Leadership opportunities are available for older students
  • Lateness and absenteeism could be reduced

For Parents

  • A nutrition program is a cost-effective way to ensure children are receiving adequate nutrition
  • Their children try new foods with their peers
  • Programs empower and enhance parental involvement with their children in the school/community experience
  • Skill development for parents and community members is provide for those who volunteer

The School

  • Programs are universal. Staff members know that all children have access to healthy food regardless of their economic status
  • Focus is on the prevention as a school/community strategy
  • Programs foster partnerships to care for, nurture an educate children
  • Skills development empower community members and promote opportunities for
    community participation and development

The Community

  • Programs help to create a better learning environment for all the children of the community
  • Volunteers have the potential for developing employability skills which will be useful in the community
  • There are opportunities for local business skill development: bookkeeping, food
    preparation, catering and program management
  • Programs offer a positive way for community businesses and service organizations to participate in their local school


The expression “going bananas” is from the effects of bananas on the brain Bananas contains three natural sugars: sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber. A banana gives an instant, sustained boost of energy. Two bananas provide enough energy for a 90-minute workout. No wonder banana is the number one fruit with the world’s leading athletes! Nerves: bananas are high in vitamin B that helps calm the nervous system. Brain power: Bananas are packed with potassium that assist learning by making pupils more alert Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): Bananas can help SAD sufferers because they contain the natural mood enhancer tryptophan Mosquito bites: Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try rubbing the inside the affected area with the inside of a banana skin. It is known at successfully reducing swelling and irritation.