Windfields Mustang Athletics

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At Windfields, athletics are an important part of the whole school experience.  Our goal is to build a dynamic offering of teams where coaches, guardians, and community members work together in order to deliver quality programming to provide our students with positive and rewarding experiences in sport.  

We have an incredible team of volunteer coaches who bring knowledge, dedication, and passion to numerous sports teams. Our coaches understand that being a part of an athletic program is about more than just “Ws”, it's about being a family who competes through hard work, passion, and sportspersonship.  Our coaches strive to teach their athletes that being a member of a team is about being a responsible teammate, citizen and community member. Student-athletes who participate on our teams leave the building better people than when they arrived. 

Please see below for a comprehensive list of sports that we have offered in the past and the seasons in which they take place. 

Winter Sports

Grade 6 - TripleBall (Female)
Grade 7 / 8 - Volleyball (Female)
Grade 6 - Basketball (Male)
Grade 7 / 8 - Basketball (Male)

Spring Sports

Grade 6 - Track and Field (Co-Ed)
Grade 7 - Track and Field (Co-Ed)
Grade 8 - Track and Field (Co-Ed)
Grade 6 - Slo-Pitch (Male)
Grade 7 / 8 - Slo-Pitch (Male)
Grade 6 / 7 / 8 - Slo-Pitch (Female)
Grade 7 / 8 - Ultimate Frisbee (Co-Ed)

Fall Sports 

Grade 6 - Cross Country (Co-Ed)
Grade 7 - Cross Country (Co-Ed)
Grade 8 - Cross Country (Co-Ed)
Grade 6 - Soccer (Female)
Grade 6 - Soccer (Male)
Grade 7 / 8 - Soccer (Female)
Grade 7 / 8 - Soccer (Male)
Grade 6 - Touch Football (Female)
Grade 6 - Touch Football (Male)
Grade 7 / 8 - Touch Football (Female)|
Grade 7 / 8 - Touch Football (Male)

Late Fall Sports 

Grade 6 - TripleBall (Male)
Grade 7 / 8 - Volleyball (Male)
Grade 6 - Basketball (Female)
Grade 7 / 8 - Basketball (Female)

How to Sign Up - EMA (Excursion Management Application)

In order to try out for a School Extra-Curricular Sports team, each student/guardian must complete both EMA (digital permission form) and update their medical forms. Coaches will notify students through meetings, Windfields Athletics Google Classroom, and PA announcements when the forms will be ready before the try out. If you do not see the sport in the drop down menu, it means the team is not "live" yet. Please keep checking. When completing the form make sure you are selecting the correct team to try out for. For example...Grade 7/8 Girls Soccer will be under the category of Grade 8 Girls Soccer as it is a combined grade team. 

Please select the appropriate team for your child and complete all forms on EMA before the tryout dates listed on EMA Athletics. Students will not be allowed to participate if the digital EMA information has not been completed.

Click here to access the EMA forms
NOTE: Please access EMA using a computer not a cell phone.

EMA for Parents_Guardians Login Guide

If you are having difficulties please speak with your specific sport coach well before the first tryout.