For most parents who drop their son or daughter off by car in the morning, you know that traffic congestion is a concern in both our parking lot and on Banbury Road.
Below are excerpts from a letter from the former Executive of Windfields’ School Council. This letter offered parents many excellent suggestions on how to improve the safety around our school, and speed up the dropping-off/picking-up of children.
We thank you for your careful attention to portions of this letter.
At our first meeting our attention was drawn to the fact that there is traffic congestion on Banbury Road at school opening and closing time. This is a situation that is unsafe to our students, the community at large and to our parents as well. We all need to remember and observe the rules of the road and to display common courtesy to each other. We would respectfully ask you to adhere to the rules governing the parking lot:
- Drivers entering the parking lot drive in one direction only (follow the arrows).
- As this is a one-way only parking lot, drivers must proceed to the very end of the lot (eastern boundary), and then circle around the parked cars in the middle of the lot, and drop off students at the southern side of the school, before continuing out of the lot and onto Banbury Road.
- There is no parking or stopping on the west side of Banbury road under any circumstance at any time. (This is by long-standing convention.)
- No U-turns are permitted on Banbury Road.
- Parents wishing to drop off students on the west side of Banbury Road who need to return southbound to York Mills Road, should either continue northbound on Banbury, and then turn left at Junewood Crescent and return to Banbury Road by circling back along Junewood Crescent; or turn right onto Beaverhall and proceed to Bannatyne Drive and onto Leslie Street.
We recommend that parents encourage students to walk to school!
We would also like to encourage you not to turn into the driveways of our neighbours. Thank you.