The Windfields Guidance Department is committed to the success and well-being of every member of our school community. The role of our Guidance Counsellor is to support students in their personal, social, and educational development. Some of the services that we are able offer and to assist with in regards to student success are:
Windfields Guidance Counsellor
Craig Lawler - Windfields Guidance Counsellor
Contact Information:
416-395-3100 ext. 20041
Social Worker
Our school Social Worker is Marla Dadoun. Families and students can access our social worker once referred to by an Administrator, Guidance Counsellor, or IST/SST team member. Ms. Dadoun works with students to build resiliency and foster positive mental health and well-being.
Google Classroom
A Google Classroom has been created for our Grade 8 students in order to help with the transition to Grade 9. The site contains important information, resources and links about course selection, high school open houses, central student interest programs and more.
myBlueprint Education Planner enables students to build “what-if” course scenarios based on the courses offered at specific secondary schools, visually track progress towards graduation, and instantly reveal the post-secondary opportunities that become available.