Caring for Your Child

Caring for Your Child

In fairness to all, please do not send your child to school if there are definitive signs of illness in the morning. We do not have the facilities or the personnel to care for sick children at school.
Good health is necessary for effective learning. Students who are ill should receive proper medical attention and should not attend school until they are healthy.
Students who become ill or injured during the day are to let their teacher know immediately. Our policy is to get students, who are ill, home as soon as possible. Our practice will be to call parents at home or at work to inform them that their child should be picked up. In the case of senior students, permission must be given to go home. For this reason, it is important that parents keep work and emergency phone numbers current.

Students who require medication to be administered at school must have a completed medication consent form signed. All medication must be stored in the main office. Students must not have medication in their lockers or on their person (this includes aspirin).

There are times when your child tells you that they are being “bothered” or “bullied” by another student. If comments like these persist, please speak to the teacher. It is not appropriate to approach another student on school property or enter a classroom to speak with another student to investigate a situation. This will not be tolerated. Please speak with the office.

Many parents take their children on extended leaves. We wanted to provide some school guidelines so that we all have common understanding prior to going on such leaves.

We wish to affirm that it is a parent’s right to take their children out of the school on extended leaves, We also want to say that it is our best educational judgement that extended leaves can be detrimental to your child’s learning and are best taken during school holidays.

Please let us know 2 weeks in advance re: date of your departure and the approximate return date. You may also notify the teacher by a note in the planner. As per TDSB policy, teachers are not expected to provide classroom work or assignments. The school may choose to send work with your child that is intended to minimize the learning gap during the extended leave. Your child’s work will not be used for assessment purposes. Assessment of your child’s academic progress will not be available until he or she has returned and regularly attends class for a period of 6 weeks or more.