Bullying Prevention

Bullying Prevention

How We Ensure a Safe Learning Environment:


We are committed to making our school a safe and supportive learning environment. We refuse to tolerate bullying, in any form.

Bullying occurs when there is:
A desire to hurt;
A power imbalance between bully and victim;
A number of repeated incidents;
Evident enjoyment by the aggressor ;
A sense of being oppressed on the part of the victim

Bullying takes many forms, including:
Physical: kicking, punching, pushing, theft, damage to property;
Verbal: teasing, put-downs, spreading rumours;
Exclusion: silent treatment;
Cyber: email, text messaging, instant messaging.

At Albion Heights we do our best to prevent bullying by:
Closely supervising students in the school and on the playground;
Watching for signs of bullying;
Responding to bullying reports;
Taking student and parent concerns about bullying seriously;
Providing a safe environment for students to report bullying;
Assigning appropriate consequences (such as telephone calls/notes to parents, detentions, suspension, notifying the police)