Other Matters

Other Matters

We attempt to provide all of the necessities for a good classroom program. From time to time, your child may request special supplies from you. It is your choice whether or not to provide these materials. Students are not to use or bring Liquid Paper to school. In addition, students are provided with textbooks for their use during the year. Students are asked to treat all books and school supplies with care. Should an item be lost or damaged, a replacement charge will be levied.

Grade 7 and 8 students will be assigned a locker. Grade 6 students may also be assigned a locker depending on location of classroom and availability. Students with lockers are required to have a Dudley combination lock for their locker. Dudley locks are sold by the school for five dollars and are the most reliable locks available for this purpose. Students may bring to school items that are directly related to their studies, their lunch and their sports activities. All personal items needed for school may be stored in a locker. The locker is assigned at the beginning of the school year. The locker remains the property of the school and can be inspected at any time if there is a reasonable doubt about its proper use. The locker number and lock combination must be registered with both the homeroom teacher and the office. Lockers should be locked at all times. Students are NOT to share their combination.

Physical education is an important part of the Ontario Curriculum. Students are expected to come prepared for gym class and actively participate. The gym uniform includes: shorts/sweat pants, a t-shirt or a plain long sleeved shirt, socks, and non-marking running shoes. Students not wearing running shoes will not be permitted to participate in gym classes. For safety reasons, no jewellery should be worn during physical education classes. No valuables are to be brought to the change rooms.

NO electronic toys, electronic games, cell phones, i-pods, CD players or MP3 players are to be brought to school. This means that they are not allowed on any part of the Albion Heights property. They get borrowed, lost or stolen and the resulting frustration detracts from a focused learning environment. They can be enjoyed out of the school. Should you believe your child must have these at school, please write a letter to the Principal and a reply will be forthcoming.

Should you believe that your child needs a cell phone at school, please write a letter requesting this. If your child is granted permission to have a cell phone at school, the cell phone must be returned and be in your child’s backpack. It can be used at the end of the day after the bell has gone.