


“The primary purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve student learning” (Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario Schools, Grade 1-12 2010, pg 6)

In the TDSB, there is an expectation of fair, consistent and transparent assessment, evaluation and reporting strategies. Assessments and evaluations are designed to provide students with multiple, positive opportunities to demonstrate their learning skills and work habits and their understanding of the curriculum expectations)

The Evaluation of Late and Missed Assignments Grades 7-8

Students are responsible for their own behaviour and for completing and submitting work for evaluation on time. Students must make themselves aware of each due date and the ultimate deadline which is the last opportunity a student has for submitting an assignment for evaluation. Teachers support students in the development of their learning skills and work habits that make them successful learners. Teachers, students and parents will work together and use a number of strategies to ensure that students complete their work and submit it on time.

Suggested strategies include: 
  • Counselling the student and offering extra help
  • Setting up a student contract
  • Helping students develop better time management skills
  • Scheduling conferences with student and parents/guardians
  • Referring to the students IEP for suggested accommodations/modifications
  • Providing alternative forms of assignments

Should the need occur, students must advise their teacher when a challenge will prevent the student from submitting work on time. The teacher will use professional judgement and consider extenuating circumstances for individual students. Students must also understand that there are consequences for incomplete, missing and late assignments.

When a significant number if strategies have been tried, marks may be deducted up to and including the full value of the assignment.