Course Offerings 2024-2025

  • Current TDSB students & adults must have their course request approved by their day school Guidance Counsellor. Please note that Continuing Education does not approve current internal TDSB students.
  • Current TDSB students under the age of 18 must have consent from a Parent/Guardian. After requesting a course, students will receive an email with the PDF consent form attached. Please bring the consent form to your day school Guidance Counsellor for approval.
  • Both current TDSB and NON-TDSB students must provide proof of prerequisites to enroll in a summer school course. Transcripts, Report Cards, Midterm Report Cards, or an Ontario Student Status Report are all acceptable educational documents. 
  • NON-TDSB external students under the age of 18 must have consent from a Parent/Guardian and Guidance Counsellor. Please note students must have their course request approved by their day school Guidance Counsellor. After requesting a course, students will receive an email with the PDF consent form attached. 
  • Students are required to upload the necessary documents to their e-Reg profile during the registration process. Continuing Education will remove your course request if the documentation is not submitted. If your course request has been removed and you have since uploaded the required documents, please email to review your documentation.