Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the difference between Continuing Education and e-Learning?

Continuing Education and e-Learning are two separate departments for more information about e-Learning click on the link.

Continuing Education Programs are delivered through synchronous and in-person learning, while e-Learning programs primarily use an asynchronous delivery format.

Continuing Education Summer and e-Summer: Click the link to learn more about the difference between.

Q: Who can attend Continuing Education courses?

Continuing Education Programs are open to secondary students and adults currently following the Ontario curriculum and working towards their diploma. 

Q: How long are the Continuing Education Programs?

Night School: Runs for 15 weeks, with two semesters each year: Semester 1 from September to January and Semester 2 from February to June.

Summer School: The Ministry of Education has set all credit courses to be scheduled for a minimum of 110 hours. Summer School is a 19 day program (July 2-25, 2025), attendance is mandatory from 8:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.

Saturday International Languages: Saturday credit courses start in September and continue every Saturday throughout the school year.

Q: Can incoming grade 9 students take a Summer School credit course?

Incoming TDSB Grade 8 students transitioning to Grade 9 in September are eligible to register for the Reach Ahead Program. They are not eligible to enroll in any other Summer School Secondary Credit Program courses.

Q: How many courses can students take?

Night School: Students may enroll in two credit courses per semester, one course on Monday/Wednesday and the other on Tuesday/Thursday. Alternatively, students can take one credit course in Semester 1 and another in Semester 2.

Summer School: Students are allowed to register for one course during the month of July.

  • One full credit (110 hours)
  • Two half-credits - Civics and Careers (two 55-hour sessions)

Saturday International Languages: Students may enroll in one credit course and are available to current high school students.

Please Note: That certain courses require proof of prerequisite completion for enrollment. Students must provide proof of prerequisite to enroll for a ConEd program.

Q: Night School Courses?

Night School programs are open to both students and adults. Students can either earn a new credit or retake a previously completed course to improve their grade. Students and adults must have completed the required prerequiste before enrolling in a Night School course.

Q: Summer School Courses?

Summer School programs are open to both students and adults. Students can either earn a new credit or retake a previously completed course to improve their grade. Students and adults must have completed the required prerequisite before enrolling in a Summer School course. 

Q: What is the registration process?

The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) reserves the right to cancel classes. All classes are subject to the availability of space, teachers, and sufficient enrollment.

Please click on the link to access the Continuing Education registration process.

Q: What are the prerequisites for Continuing Education Credit Courses?

Prerequisites for Continuing Education courses are the same as those required in regular day school programs.

Please click on the link provided to access the Ministry of Education Ontario Curriculum.

Q: How do I withdraw from a Continuing Education course?

Students in grades 9 through 12 seeking to withdraw from a course must complete the Full Disclosure Withdrawal/Drop Form.

Important notice: For grades 11 and 12 if the course is dropped before the full disclosure date, the marks will not be reflected on the transcript. However, for courses dropped after the full disclosure date, the marks will appear on the transcript. Check Key Dates posted on our website: www.creditprograms.ca

  • The form for In-Person programs is available at the main office.
  • The form for Remote is available on our website
Q: Is CO-OP education offered in Continuing Education School?

CO-OP education is available for TDSB students only.

Q: Is there homework for Continuing Education Courses?

Homework is required for Continuing Education courses for the Night, Summer, and Saturday International programs.

Q: When are Final Report Cards distributed?

For In-Person Learning: On the last day of the course, all students must pick up their report cards available at the school on the designated time and day.   

Remote Learning: On the last day report cards will be sent to the student's TDSB email.

Q: Final Exams?

• In-Person Classes: Exams will be held at the designated schools as scheduled. Please refer to the key dates for the scheduled date.

• Remote Classes: Exams will be conducted synchronously online at the scheduled time. Ensure you have a stable internet connection and access to the required platform.

Q: Where can I get more information?

For more information or questions about Continuing Education Programs, email us at ConEd_eReg@tdsb.on.ca or visit our website at www.creditprograms.ca.