The TDSB Excursion Policy guidelines for minimum adult supervisors (for classes up to 30 students) are as follows:
Kindergarten: minimum of 3 adults (for greater than 30, follow a 1:10 ratio)
Grades 1 - 8: minimum of 2 adults (for greater than 30, follow a 1:15 ratio)
*Certain programs may require a greater ratio according to OPHEA regulations
If the classroom teacher is absent, please inform the Site Supervisor at EFSC as soon as possible. As per the TDSB Excursion Policy, a teacher who know the students, must accompany them for the whole trip. If this cannot be arranged, we will try and reschedule your visit.
Since volunteers are coming on the excursion to assist with students in your classroom, they are not permitted to bring along other children. We encourage all adults to play an active role in the program and support student learning. We also ask that all adults respect our policy of not using their cell phones while working with or around students on program. Please note that, depending on the size and needs of your class, we recommend bringing no more than 3 volunteers.
Visiting Teacher’s Role:
Discipline: is the responsibility of the classroom teacher. The class knows and will respond to you best, and we need your guidance and teaching expertise in both setting a "learning tone" and helping us to deal with special situations. At the discretion of the EFSC staff, a program may be terminated if behaviour is deemed inappropriate or if student safety is at risk.
Supervision: during the lunch hour, which includes outside supervision following the meal.
Participation: Your participation at EFSC is critical in making connections with the learning experience before students arrive and after you leave. Furthermore, students often exhibit different aspects of themselves when learning in different environments. Although the EFSC staff will take the lead with the instruction and planning, we encourage you to be involved in the following ways:
*Take observation notes on your students. You may find a budding naturalist!
*Photos may be taken if students have returned a signed media release form. These may be used for collecting raw data, follow-up activities, and parent and school communication.
*Participate as a student during the activities. Learning along side the students often gives insights into their understanding. Leave the centre inspired and equipped to make use of these activities in your local outdoor classroom.
*Facilitate a small group activity. Many of our activities have students work in small groups. *Guide students in creating their own connections.
*Lead an activity. If you have an area of expertise, we would love to learn from you! Let us know how we can plan our program with you in mind.
*Ask us. If we forget to give specific directions on how you can be involved, please don’t hesitate to ask. We always appreciate your involvement.