Parents and students, please do not enter the parking lot, as this is very dangerous to children and it is difficult to see who is driving out; our parking lot is very small and is full each day with staff; you can stop your vehicle ("kiss and ride") along the front of the school. Wait for your children to walk out and then drive and turn around at the circle at the end of Pittsboro Drive.
Please do not park in the staff parking lot between 6:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. If a school bus wishes to park in the lot overnight, the
driver must visit the Principal to receive permission and leave pertinent information (bus company, bus number, driver name, and phone contact info).
Whenever the snow is expected, there is
NO PARKING in the lot overnight otherwise our parking lot cannot be cleared of snow.
Cars parked other than times indicated may receive parking tickets and be towed at the owner's expense.
We thank you for your co-operation with these important safety issues.