Forest Hill Collegiate Institute

View From the Hill - Issue 2 Featured Article

Sunday, September 01, 2024 04:00 PM

We are excited to welcome our returning and new Falcons to school on Tuesday! 

As you know we tried something new this year to reduce the disruptions this coming week.  Thank you to the 500+ students who showed up on Tuesday and Wednesday last week to pick up their timetable, have their photo taken, get their locker and more.  Thank you to our Guidance Department, Ms. Reid and Mr. Oosterhoff, and retired counsellor Ms. Sue, who met with over 200 students to support our students with changes to timetables and answer questions. We know that there were some hiccups that we will work to improve for next year, but we would like to thank everyone for their patience and understanding.  We know that we will have more students in the correct classes on September 3. 

Students who did not make it in last week, can pick up their timetables in the foyer on Tuesday morning between 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. We respectfully ask that students bring their $60 Student Activity Fee at that time in cash. We understand that families may have difficulty paying this fee and ask that you reach out to your VP for support.  More information about activity fees can be found below.

All students will follow this shortened Day 1 schedule on Tuesday:

9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. – Timetable Pick Up for Students who did not attend last week

12:15 p.m. to 12:55 p.m. – Period 1

1:00 p.m. to 1:40 p.m. – Period 2

1:45 p.m. to 2:25 p.m. – Period 3

2:30 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. – Period 4

If a student requires a timetable change or wishes to see a Guidance Counsellor, please check out the Guidance section below. 

Please note that the City of Toronto is currently doing paving work on the Vesta Drive circular entrance, while Ontario Hydro is working to replace watermains on Mayfair Avenue which had led to the closures of Shallmar and Vesta Drives. Thus, there is much construction on and around our school that will be causing traffic congestion during the month of September. Please consider walking or taking transit to school if able.

Looking forward to seeing our Falcons on Tuesday,

Yvette Duffy, Principal      Maharukh Kootar, Vice Principal      Jaime Yamashita, Vice Principal

In this Issue:

  1. Addressing Cellular Phones & Mobile Devices – Expectations This Year
  2. Code of Conduct
  3. Student Activity Fees – $60 Requested
  4. Start of Year Forms – 2024/2025
  5. Attendance & Safe Arrival
  6. TDSB Connects App – Download Now!
  7. Student Password Information & Logging into TDSB Network
  8. Outstanding Textbooks & Other Items – Call for Return! 
  9. Student Parking – Limited Spaces Available
  10. Student Lockers
  11. Head Start to High School – A Huge Success!
  12. School Calendar & Vacation Planning 2024/2025
  13. Addressing Concerns and Questions You May Have – Who Should Be Contacted
  14. Messages from Guidance
  15. Trustee Laskin’s Weekly Updates

The Next Two Weeks at a Glance

Keep apprised of what is happening by linking to our school year calendar which is live on our school website landing page.   

Addressing Cellular Phones & Mobile Devices Expectations This Year

As per the Ministry’s memorandum and TDSB policies, cellular phones and Smartwatches will not be permitted in classes this school year.  Many studies are now showing that distractions caused by mobile devices are resulting in poorer outcomes for our students both academically and emotionally. We ask parents and guardians for their support as we shift this policy to increase student success and mental wellness. How can parents and guardians support our students and school? 

  • Remind students to have their phone out of site, silenced and set to Do Not Disturb during the school day
  • Leave Smartwatches at home or store these out of site and silenced
  • Refrain from texting or phoning students during the school day

If there is an emergency and a student needs to be reached, please call the main office at (416) 393-1860 and our office staff will communicate a message or locate the student to take an emergency phone call.  Working together will help to improve outcomes for our students.  If a student requires a mobile device to monitor health concerns, please contact a VP to ensure that the device is accessible to the student. 

Code of Conduct
Administration will be hosting our Welcome Assemblies this week. During this assembly, the administration will outline school expectations for students. Students will be expected to review the Forest Hill Student Handbook 2024/2025 and abide by the rules and procedures outlined in this Handbook. This handbook is available on the TDSB Connects App and the school website.   

Student Activity Fees – $60 Requested

Our school’s operating budget for 2024/2025 is $175K. In order to enrich the student experience and fund items not covered by the Ministry or the Board, we are respectfully requesting a Student Activity Fee of $60. 

Our school activity fee will support the Arts, Athletics, Clubs, and many other co-curriculars. The fee also covers the cost of our wonderful yearbook that will be delivered to our students in June and sundry other items that are not covered by the funding provided to schools as follows:

  • $30 for the Forester Yearbook which will capture memories of 2024/2025
  • $10 for the FHCI Photo ID card which is required for school and TTC and ensures that students can print from any school printer without charges
  • $5 for Athletics, Councils and Clubs, i.e. teams and lunchtime intramurals, along with proving support to run all our 50 clubs
  • $10 for Hillstock which is our fun day in June to celebrate the year end
  • $5 for Grab & Go Breakfast program that we will introduce this year to provide some morning snacks to hungry students

All TDSB schools use School Cash Online as the payment method; however, this system is currently not operational.  When the system comes available, an additional email with links will be provided; however, in the meantime cash will be accepted.

In the event of financial hardship for a family or student, please connect with an administrator.  Confidentiality will be respected.  We understand that $60 may be difficult for some families and we are here to support. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to:

  • Vice Principal Jaime Yamashita for Student Surnames that begin with A through K at or 416 393-1860, extension 20012
  • Vice Principal Maharukh Kootar for Student Surnames that begin with L through Z at or 416 393-1860, extension 20011

Start of Year Forms – 2024/2025

The TDSB will be integrating Start of Year Forms and Student Device program into our PowerSchool platform this year. 

What this means for Families:

  • Families will need to create an account to complete the forms. If they have used the enrollment tool previously to register their child in a TDSB school or program that same account can be used.
  • A more robust and reliable experience eliminating delays with accessing and submitting forms
  • One set of forms per child
  • The ability to update contact & medical information (i.e., parent/guardian name, phone number, address) digitally on the form


Forms included in this year’s package:

  • Permission to Participate in Offsite Walk Excursions
  • Student Media Release Consent (for School/TDSB Events)
  • Student Media Release Consent (Media Organizations)
  • Permission to Leave School in Severe Weather Conditions (Grades 6-12)
  • Medical Information Form (511E)

All required school forms were emailed by TDSB IT Services on Thursday, August 29 to the parent and/or guardian email address on file at our school.  Parents will receive a unique link to each child’s Start of Year Forms.  If you have not received these forms, please check your junk folder. If you need support with the forms, please link to the TDSB Start of Year Forms page for additional information.  Reminder emails will be sent by IT Services until all forms have been received.  Thank you for taking the time to tell us about your child. 

Attendance & Safe Arrival Call Out

Attendance is recorded in each period daily. Attendance, punctuality and active participation will lead to success.  Safe Arrival calls are automated calls that will be made during Period 1 for students who have not yet arrived at school. For absences and lates in Periods 2, 3 and 4, automated calls will be made in the evening. Please ensure that the Forest Hill school number is not blocked to allow us to communicate more effectively about your student.  A separate email will be sent directly to the parent and/or guardian emails on file at the school providing directions as to how to report student absence and lateness. 

TDSB Connects App – Download Now

All students are expected to download the TDSB Connects App via Google Play or the Apple App Store.  This app will provide students with the daily school calendar, our daily announcements, the Student Handbook, and a fillable agenda that will allow them to organize their important dates and events.  Once the app is downloaded, students can log in using their TDSB credentials, i.e. 9-Digit Student Number, and their TDSB network password. 

Student Password Information & Logging into TDSB Network

New Students: Students new to TDSB will have their password set to the Shared Secret Password. This is a combination of the last 4 digits of your Student Number, followed by 2 digits for your day of birth, and 2 digits for your month of birth, followed by “@Tdsb” (case sensitive and 13 characters in total). The infographic provides the formula to the Shared Secret Password.

Returning Students:  If a student has forgotten their password, they can attempt to reset it by following these instructions:  Student Password Reset. Our teacher-librarian, Ms. Legrow, will be available in the library on Tuesday to help support students who are having log in issues. 

Outstanding Textbooks & Other Items – Call for Return!

Loaned textbooks and other loaned items can be returned directly to the school. Please print and complete the FHCI Textbook & Loaned Items Return Form before arrival at the school to allow for a quick and smooth drop off of borrowed textbooks and loaned items to the Main Office.

Student Parking – Limited Spaces Available

Student parking is limited and all vehicles parked in our lot must have a FHCI Parking Pass. Prior to parking, student drivers must apply for a parking pass by completing our electronic parking pass application that will be live beginning Monday, September 9. Parking Passes are non-transferable. Unauthorized and non-permitted vehicles may be ticketed and/or towed.

Student Lockers

Students have been assigned a locker and are required to secure the locker with a personal lock. The locker number is located on the timetable shared with students. If a student requires a lock, these are available for purchase for a $10 from the Main Office. 

Head Start to High School – A Huge Success!

On Tuesday, August 27, Forest Hill opened our doors to our grade 9s to welcome them with Head Start to High School. It was great to see our grade 9s getting to know our school and each other, while participating in team building exercises led by our Prefects.  

Thank you to all our Prefects who did a fabulous job!  Thank you, as well, to our teachers who gave up a Tuesday of their summer break to welcome our new students:  Mr. Billinghurst, Ms Brown, Ms Da Silva, Ms. Hammond, Ms. Ibe, Ms. Luscombe, Ms. Lo and Ms. Pupovac . And a very special shout out to Ms. Homatidis who organized the day!  

School Calendar & Vacation Planning 2024/2025

The 2024-25 School Calendar is now available on the TDSB website. Please link to TDSB Secondary School Calendar 2024/2025 for important exam and holiday dates. Please note that we will be scheduling final Exams and culminating activities for the 2024/2025 school year in both January and June. A reminder that vacations are not considered a legitimate absence from instructional days or exam days. Every effort should be made to avoid scheduling family vacations during school time. In the event of a missed evaluation due to a family vacation, teachers are not required to provide an alternative form of evaluation or exam and a mark of zero may be assigned.

Extended Absences - We strongly recommend that vacations are not planned during school days. That being said, we do understand extenuating circumstances and other such constraints. If a student must be away for five days or more, they are to visit the main office and pick up an extended absence form. This form will need to be signed by a parent or guardian, a vice principal and all the students’ teachers. Students are responsible for making up missed assessments.

Addressing Concerns and Questions You May Have – Who Should Be Contacted

Our staff are here to support students and want to hear from you if there is a concern or question.  We make every effort to address concerns quickly. 

For classroom and specific academic concerns, the classroom teacher is the first point of contact.  Please remember when contacting a teacher that the teacher is in class for most of the school day teaching and cannot respond immediately.  Our service excellence culture is to return calls or emails within 24 hours and all staff will attempt to do their best to adhere to this timeline.

If you would like more information about student schedules, academic pathway or post-secondary planning, or course selection, please reach out to our Guidance Counsellors:

Andrew Oosterhoff – Surnames that begin with A to K –

Rosemarie Reid – Surnames that begins with L to Z –

If you need support with other student matters, please contact our Vice Principals at:

Jaime Yamashita – Surnames that begin with A to K –

Maharukh Kootar – Surnames that begin with L to Z –


Messages From Guidance

Student Timetables

If students wish to change their timetable, please use the FHCI Semester 1 2024/25 Timetable Change Request Form.  Our Guidance department will be monitoring the form and will prioritize student needs and begin to meet with students on Tuesday.  Our guidance department will attempt to meet student requests; however, please note that many of our classes are currently full.  Students must follow their original timetable unless directed otherwise.  This will allow our Guidance department to locate students when a meeting is required to discuss a change.

eLearning & Night School

eLearning Day School Registration is in full swing. Please link to the TDSB eLearning website for a list of available courses. Registration for semester 1 closes on September 20, 2024.  Please note that in order to take an eLearning course, the course cannot conflict with any courses taken in-person on FHCI timetable You cannot add an eLearning course if you four courses this semester.  Students who cannot get into a course not offered at FHCI are the ideal candidates for enrolling in an eLearning course.

Our appointment booking system ‘Guidance Interview’ will be up and running in two weeks.  If an urgent appointment is required, please send an email to your guidance counsellor to book an appointment. 

Registration for Night School opens on Wednesday, September 4, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.  Link to this information site to learn which courses are available. 

Students Taking Courses Outside the TDSB

It is critical that any student taking a course outside the TDSB, i.e. private school, Catholic board, etc., inform their guidance counsellor about this as follows:

Our guidance counsellors need to document this important information as they check students’ overall credit accumulation, graduation requirements and possible duplicated courses. Thank you for your attention to this very important matter.

Trustee Laskin’s Weekly Updates

Learn more about upcoming events and keep informed by linking to Trustee Laskin's Weekly Newsletter

Land Acknowledgement: We, the students and staff of Forest Hill Collegiate Institute, acknowledge that we are hosted on the lands of the Mississaugas of the Anishinaabe, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, and the Wendat. We also recognize the enduring presence of all First Nations, Métis, and the Inuit peoples.