
Guidance Google Classroom

The Guidance Google Classroom wants you to become a class member.  Here you will find information and resources to help you navigate the next few years. Info on post-secondary information, course changes, night & summer school and mental health are just a few topics that will be covered in the google classroom.  Please go to Google Classroom and add your class code. 

Grade 9 class code:    ivhbfes

Grade 10 class code:  iqd3cns

Grade 11 class code:   nim6caw

Grade 12 class code:  nqyiv7b

International Students class code: don3mlw

Making a Guidance Appointment

Students are assigned a Counsellor when they arrive at Macdonald Collegiate Institute based on the first letter of their last name. Counsellors are available to support students with interpersonal conflicts, educational planning and career exploration.


Appointments: Students can book appointments with their counsellor using the online booking system.  

Guidance Counsellors

Ms. Line Brassard           Surnames  A - I                   

Ms. Bhanuja Hardeo       Surnames  J - R

Ms. Erin MacKay             Surnames S - Z



What To Do If You Are In Crisis

If you are facing any situation that is overwhelming for you; if you feel depressed or are considering suicide; if it is late at night and there is no one available to help you or anytime you need someone to talk to, please call:  Kids Help Phone at 1-800-668-6868.  You can talk to someone 24 hours a day about any crisis you may be facing.

Guidance & Career Studies Courses


Grade 9

Grade 10

Learning Strategies





Career Studies  



To learn more about GLS, please watch this video.