Getting Organized for School

Getting Organized for School


All students in Grades 1 - 5 have an agenda to record important information such as homework assignments, due dates, school information, and messages from the teacher(s). Parents should check the agenda each evening and initial it when required. The agenda is also a valuable communication tool. Please use it to send notes to your child's teacher.

Change of Information

If your home, work or cell phone number has changed, please inform the school immediately. We must also have the name and telephone number of a person who could be contacted if you are unavailable. It is important that we have up-to-date information in the event of an emergency.


Except for consumable items (paper, notebooks, pencils), all school equipment, supplies, and textbooks are school property. Students may be required to repair or replace damaged or lost school property.


It is important that students arrive at school on time each day. When students are late - even by a few minutes - they miss important routines. Classes officially start when the second bell rings 5 minutes after the entry bell. If students arrive after this second bell, they are considered "late". If students arrive at school late, they must:
  • Enter through the front doors as the schoolyard doors will be locked.
  • Sign in at the office to pick up a late slip as this tells the teacher that the office knows the student has arrived.
Students' report cards will show the number of times that they have been late and parents will be contacted if students are consistently late. If you know your child will be arriving late (e.g., because of an appointment, please send a note to the teacher in advance or contact the Safe Arrival line (416 396-2455).

Lost & Found

Please label all of your child's belongings. During the school year lost items are placed on a table in the lower hall. Unclaimed articles are donated to charity at the end of each term. We will provide reminders to check the Lost and Found in the Update and will include the date that unclaimed items will be donated.

Physical Education

Physical Education classes are held in the school gym or outdoors. Instruction is also provided in extra-curricular sport activities. Over the year, children are encouraged to participate in a number of activities that promote general fitness and an appreciation of physical activity and good sporting behaviour. Children should wear comfortable, loose clothing in order to allow for freedom of movement during Physical Education classes. Socks and running shoes are required.