
Math & Numeracy

The secondary mathematics curriculum adopts a strong focus on the processes that best enable students to understand mathematical concepts and learn related skills. Attention to the mathematical processes is considered to be essential to a balanced mathematics program. The seven mathematical processes identified in this curriculum are problem solving, reasoning and proving, reflecting, selecting tools and computational strategies, connecting, representing, and communicating. 

(Adapted from:  Ontario Ministry of Education. The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 and 10: Mathematics, 2005. p. 6.)

Pathways in Mathematics

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* please note that these are all the courses available in the Board - West Hill CI does not currently offer MCT4C or MEL4E.

EQAO Grade 9 Math

According to EQAO, the Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics tests the math skills students are expected to have learned by the end of Grade 9. Different versions of the test are administered in the academic and the applied math courses. 

How do I find out more about the EQAO - Grade 9 Math? 

  • Click here to link to the EQAO website  
  • Or link directly to to the EQAO Students page to discover examples of the test, test content, and instructions for writing.  
  • Or parents can link directly to the EQAO Parents page to learn more and where information is provided in multiple languages