Safety and Security


Weston is a welcoming and safe environment.  We wish to maintain this environment and keep it safe for students and staff alike.  Therefore, in keeping with TDSB policy, we invite all visitors to begin their visit by reporting to the main office upon arrival:

  • In no case should visitors go directly into the school.  
  • Visitors will be required to sign in and out at the office.
  • Visitors will be provided a visitor pass which should be always visible.
  • Students from other schools should not be on Weston CI property unless approved by the administration.



Cellular phones and electronic devices are allowed on school property but they cannot be used in the classrooms or during an examination. Electronic devices are permitted only with the classroom teacher’s permission when being used for educational purposes.

Students are not permitted to invade the privacy of others by making video recordings or taking pictures while on school property.

Laser pointers can cause permanent damage to the eyes and are absolutely prohibited in school.

Students are advised not to bring gaming devices to school, since they are vulnerable to loss. These items are not permitted in any classroom or gymnasium. Students should not play music in the hallway.  It is strongly recommended that students not bring any valuable items to school. If students choose to bring such items to school, they are assuming responsibility for any potential loss, damage or theft.  The school takes no responsibility for the loss of these items.



 Thefts are to be reported to the Main Office immediately. Claims for stolen property are to be made through the individual’s family insurance policy.



 Weston staff and students take tremendous pride in the school.  We demonstrate respect for our building and grounds by keeping our facilities clean and free from graffiti and other forms of disfigurement.  Defacing and/or damaging furniture, lockers, fixtures and walls will be regarded as vandalism.  Students found guilty of vandalism will be suspended, parent(s)/guardian(s)/caregiver(s) will be notified, and charges may be laid. In most cases, restitution may be required.



False fire alarms disrupt learning in all classes. They may create hazards in Science classes where experiments may be in progress, or endanger students’ health in Physical Education classes where students are dressed in light clothing.  In order to maintain our safe and orderly environment at Weston, all of us, staff and students alike, must be vigilant and report any suspicious actions to the Main Office. Causing a false fire alarm or misusing fire-fighting equipment is a criminal offence. Offenders will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. When a continuous sounding of the fire alarm occurs, we are all obliged by law to evacuate the building immediately, without stopping for coats and personal belongings. All staff and students in the building are to leave by the designated door as indicated on the fire exit signs in the classrooms.  Everyone is required to move at least 20 metres away from the building, and no one may re-enter the school until the all-clear signal is sounded.  All fire routes must be kept clear.



 When circumstances necessitate a HOLD AND SECURE or LOCKDOWN, students must follow the directions closely and cooperate fully with supervisors (faculty or police). Classes will resume following a P.A. announcement.

We all play a role in keeping the building safe. If you see anything suspicious, report this to a staff member immediately. 


Chart of Consequences of Inappropriate Student Behvaiour