Mr. Hershoran

Show Title:

ROOM 210




 Just a reminder that we are on a 5 day system.   Physical Education will take place on days 1, 3 and 5.  Music takes place on day 2 and library takes place on day 2. 


Welcome to our grade 3 classroom.                                               

The students are reminded daily 

to follow the school's STIR policy

which includes:





 December Curriculum

This includes:

Math:  Measurement and Problem Solving

Science: Currently we are working on structures and  will be starting our unit on Motion

Social Studies: - Early Settlers   TRIP- December 4th

Physical Education: Dodgeball Games and Basketball will start in January

Drama: small group problem solving

Writing:  L.D.I. and procedural and letter writing

Reading: We are beginning our reading groups. Children will be working on reading in groups with students at their own level.

Art Work

hersh2 (1)The students have currently learned about different types of bridges. 

The students learned about the horizon line in a picture and using that information made a silhouette of a bridge.

hersh2 (2)


Science- Culminating Task

Our class is currently working on their culminating related to our stability unit. The students are designing a structure that will support a lego person sliding into a pool. Here are a couple of samples of the students structures. We will hope to test the structures the week of December 3rd and 10th using a fair test. This will provide uniformity among all groups.


Conflict Resolution

In our room we are working on dealing with conflicts that arise in the classroom and outside in positive ways using the strategies seen below. The students were taught the different types of conflict. Students are to choose which conflict that is occurring with the help of a staff member and use the STOPHACC strategies provided.



The grade 3 students will be involved in the EQAO test at the end of May. This will involve both math and language material covered from grades 1-3.



Homework is usually given each night. It involves finishing work from the day or practising skills taught.