David Stocker wins 2020 ETFO Professional Learning and Curriculum Development Award for his math text: MaththatMatters 2
"Maththatmatters 2: A teacher resource linking math and social justice, a book that has had a global impact. It cross references the Ontario math curriculum with different aspects of justice including class, gender, race, ethnicity, youth, ability, workplace, big business, sexuality, civics, intersectionality and environment. Fifty stories of justice allow teachers to immediately begin rich conversations with students while directly addressing the math curriculum.
Students can explore their eating habits and connect those to a carbon footprint or examine human health and lead in drinking water. There are units linked to Indigenous rights such as the history of mercury poisoning in northwestern Ontario as well as ‘Earthship’, a mathematical study of sustainable buildings."
See the full article here.
City View (former) Guidance Counsellor Ricardo Rodriguez wins
The 2016 Marion Axford Award for Elementary Guidance
In honour of former OSCA President Marion Axford, presented in recognition of outstanding contribution to elementary guidance in Ontario.

City View Teachers - James Bryers, Michelle Munk, Christine Saraceno, David Stocker, and Shawna Watson - win TDSB 2015 Excellence Award
The Excellence Awards recognize outstanding staff achievement.
This dedicated group of teachers at City View are passionate about providing students with the confidence to raise their voices. Their passion to see their students succeed both within and outside of the classroom has created a unique learning environment within City View.
In their eyes, students are not just students – they’re citizens with the power to fight for social justice and equity. Through a thoughtfully designed curriculum, students are challenged to consider broader issues and alternative perspectives and are also empowered to act on larger civic responsibilities. For example, during the unit on Climate Change, students submitted a deputation to the City’s new subcommittee on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation.
Also unique to City View is the year-long United Nations class where students engage in debates, tackle complex issues and volunteer in the community. They lead weekly discussion groups where students can express their feelings and perspectives. In a classroom constructed to enable collaboration and discourse, leading to a positive environment of trust and respect, City View students have truly been inspired to make a difference now and in the future."
See the full article here:TDSB Excellence Awards

City View Q.S.A wins 2015 TDSB Director's Award
Congratulations to David and the City View Queer Straight Alliance for winning the Director’s G.S.A. award (one of only 3 schools in the TDSB). This award comes with $1000 for the Q.S.A.